Make your revenue conversations more productive

That Whack-a-Mole game specifically.

Addressing each revenue conversation as they arise–one at a time in what feels like a haphazard fashion?

For example:
– You’re talking with operations about how the store experience is or is not affecting future visit intent
– You’re talking with the digital team about web/app traffic and conversion
– You’re talking with HR about how the culture is impacting risk-taking and growth
– You’re talking with culinary about LTO’s and menu revamps
– You’re talking with marketing about the brand and paid media

Whoa. That’s a lot of conversations. Often happening independently from one another.

Beyond feeling disconnected and haphazard, this approach is likely leaving money on the table and slowing your speed to market.

Making matters worse, it’s likely on YOU to keep them all aligned.

This is not a calendar. That’s an output.

Instead, you need a mechanism to look at all the revenue-driving components on an end-to-end holistic basis.

Clarity on where your most significant points of leverage are. Forums to create up-front alignment and downstream collaboration.

By doing this, you’ll better ensure all the pieces fit together and build upon one another.